Start at Home
Video Summary: How do you prepare for appointments? Choose a strategy to keep track of notes from appointments. Keep an updated health history, set priorities, and make notes. Include your support people
Present Requests
Video Summary: What do you need for an appointment to go well? Tell the health professional what they can do to help you. Use the prompt, “It would help me if you could...write down key words, speak slowly and facing me so I can hear you, etc.”
Explain the Issue
Video Summary: Clearly communicate why you are at a medical appointment without minimizing your concerns. Speak up and highlight what the issue is. Make it clear how you are feeling and explain your story.
Ask to Understand
Video Summary: Healthcare conversations can be hard to understand. Ask your healthcare provider to slow down, explain what a new word means, write down helpful notes, or to repeat themselves. Clarify your understanding by asking questions.
Keep Asking
Video Summary: What can you do with unanswered questions after an appointment? Ask for reports, notes, or print-outs from the appointment. Book follow-up appointments right away. Ask who you can contact if you have more questions. Find supports in the community and others who you can speak with.