Healthy eating is important for maintaining strong bones and preventing falls. It is especially important for bone health to:
Eat calcium-rich foodCalcium is found in:
- Milk and milk products
- Salmon and sardines with bones
- Beans
- Sunflower and sesame seeds
- Broccoli and other greens
- Figs
- Rhubarb
Increase Your Vitamin D Intake
Vitamin D can be absorbed through the skin. However, skin becomes less efficient at vitamin D absorption with age. During the winter months, it becomes harder to get enough vitamin D from the sun. The recommended amount of vitamin D is 600 IU per day for adults 70 and under, and 800 IU per day over 70 years old.
Tips for meeting Vitamin D recommendations:
- Take a Vitamin D supplement (especially during winter months)
- Find sources of vitamin D in your diet either naturally (such as salmon, tuna and other fatty fish), or fortified (such as milk, orange juice, and other products)
Eat protein every dayProtein is found in: